My Blogs

Do You Need “Family Office Hours?”

Balancing Family and Career: The Role of “Family Office Hours”

I recently wrote a blog titled “Everything Broken is Clutter,” where I mentioned that one participant in a speech I gave replied “Relationships!” when asked what came to mind when they heard the word ‘clutter.’ This person was referring to relationships in their life that were not productive for them or the other person.


Recently, I had dinner with my dear friend Dr. Paula Berardinelli, who calls herself an “edupreneur,” and with whom I collaborated to create the event “Less Clutter More Gratitude.” As we were finishing our conversation, she mentioned that she had to be home by 8:30 pm for a call. Being curious, I asked her what the call was for.


She explained that every Sunday night at 8:30 pm, she conducts a “Family Office Hours” call on Zoom with her siblings and their children. Whoever is available joins the call, and they have a conversation. She shared that this helps reduce any misunderstandings or conflicts within the family and helps everyone feel more connected. She also mentioned that the free Zoom platform only lasts for 40 minutes, which creates a healthy boundary for the conversation.

I often quote Dr. Ned Hallowell, who said, “The solution to every problem is connection.” I believe that one of the biggest causes of chaos and heartbreak in our culture today is the breakdown of the family. Growing up in families where siblings lived close to each other, I know that while it can sometimes create chaos, it more often provides love and support that many families today miss. Despite the increased “connection” we experience today because of technology and social media, statistics reveal that people are feeling more disconnected than ever before.

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Another way to improve connections is through snail mail. Writing a heartfelt letter to someone you care about is a powerful way to encourage them and make them feel valued.


What “connection” in your life could you encourage that would support your ability to accomplish your work and enjoy your life – and encourage others to do the same?


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The Economics of Clutter

The Economics of Clutter

Hey everyone, Barbara Hemphill here again!  I am thrilled to share the backstory of one of my favorite speeches, “Pay Me Now – or Pay

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File Indexing

File Indexing

Hey there! I am Barbara Hemphill, and I want to share a behind-the-scenes look at how the concept of the File Index evolved into a

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